NEW Electrical Motion Actuators (VEM)

Ultrasonic Actuators Vem20 Vem35 Feature Aus Nzl

Rinco Ultrasonics Switzerland have released the new Electrial Motion Actuators (VEM) –

The new ultrasonic actuators offer servo control for integration into special purpose machinery and automated production lines – Ideal for : Cutting, Punching, Welding of synthetic textilese and films, non-wovens, and welding of rigid plastic components.

The new actuators are available in either 20 kHz or 35 kHz operating frequencies, ranging from 900 – 3000 watts.

Freely selectable start position for shorter weld cycles

Force and amplitude can be calibrated.

8 welding modes possible.

Precision of positioning provide better more precise welding & cutting results.

Operating system:
Linux Ubuntu, therefore stable, fast, no shutdown and no updates required

  • Specifically developed application software
  • The graphical user interface is constructed logically, self-explanatory and easy to operate
  • Welding results displayed graphically
  • Welding results and parameter data can be exported
  • Login accounts can be set up


Further Information:

To view further technical data, download the pdfs below –

Actuator VEM 20 & VEM 35 Technical Datasheet

New Actuator Sales Release Leaflet

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